Everything you've never been told about the sun and your skin (Virtual Event)


Everything you've never been told about the sun and your skin (Virtual Event)

Learn the mind-blowing truths and myths about how to prevent sun damage to your skin.

Walk away armed with science-backed data about how to have radiant skin and still enjoy the sunshine.

During this revolutionary workshop you'll discover how….

  • Most sunscreens are messing with your hormones

  • To choose the safest sunscreens

  • To treat sunburn without worrying about cancer or age spots

  • To spend time in the sun and still have super healthy, youthful skin

Register now for this FREE workshop to get the REAL scoop on skin, sun and sunscreen!

Join me at this in-person event on Saturday, September 28th at 11 am in Encinitas.

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When is it? Saturday, September 28th from 11 am to noon

Where is it? The Wellness Clinic, 960 2nd St. Ste 103 Encinitas CA

What to bring? All your questions about sunscreen and skin health.

Meet your skincare scientist: I’m Brandy Searcy, a pharmaceutical research scientist who’s been formulating drugs, skincare, and more since 2008. Driven by a personal struggle with acne, I started obsessing over skin health after finally recognizing skin as an organ to be loved rather than a canvas to wage war on following a scary encounter with Accutane. 

In 2016 when my grandmother was diagnosed with a rare form of melanoma, I cranked that obsession dial up to 8,000 researching every single ingredient I used in the formulations you'll find here with a new diligence re-evaluating all possible angles considering impact to the skin, the body (because every ingredient you put on your skin gets absorbed into your skin), and the environment. 

In 2020, I decided to launch Rain Organica in the over-saturated skincare market with a single mission: to help you look fabulous without make-up and get truly comfortable in your skin.

Skincare marketing's overwhelming! I fell victim to it for two decades of my life, and I'd had enough!!! Enough of wasting money on 20 different products. Enough of wasting time on a 12 step routine. Enough of the clutter. Enough of the frustration when a product didn't work for me (and usually straight up sucked)!

In this workshop, we're cutting through the marketing hype and talking about how skin's made to function, how your body's made to function, and the role of sun protection in health.

(Q) Is this talk based on science?

(A) Yes. You'll even get a link to the full references list (peer reviewed scientific journal articles and a link to the patent held by my husband on decolorization via Titanium Dioxide and UV light). 

(Q) Can I bring a friend?

(A) Absolutely!

(Q) Where is the workshop? 

(A) This is a virtual workshop on Zoom. You'll get the Zoom link once you save your spot 🙂

(Q) When is the workshop? 

(A) Friday, October 4th from noon to 1 pm on Zoom

When, Where, and What to bring

When is it? Saturday, September 28th from 11 am to noon

Where is it? The Wellness Clinic, 960 2nd St. Ste 103 Encinitas CA

What to bring? All your questions about sunscreen and skin health.

Meet your skincare scientist

Meet your skincare scientist: I’m Brandy Searcy, a pharmaceutical research scientist who’s been formulating drugs, skincare, and more since 2008. Driven by a personal struggle with acne, I started obsessing over skin health after finally recognizing skin as an organ to be loved rather than a canvas to wage war on following a scary encounter with Accutane. 

In 2016 when my grandmother was diagnosed with a rare form of melanoma, I cranked that obsession dial up to 8,000 researching every single ingredient I used in the formulations you'll find here with a new diligence re-evaluating all possible angles considering impact to the skin, the body (because every ingredient you put on your skin gets absorbed into your skin), and the environment. 

In 2020, I decided to launch Rain Organica in the over-saturated skincare market with a single mission: to help you look fabulous without make-up and get truly comfortable in your skin.

Why this workshop?

Skincare marketing's overwhelming! I fell victim to it for two decades of my life, and I'd had enough!!! Enough of wasting money on 20 different products. Enough of wasting time on a 12 step routine. Enough of the clutter. Enough of the frustration when a product didn't work for me (and usually straight up sucked)!

In this workshop, we're cutting through the marketing hype and talking about how skin's made to function, how your body's made to function, and the role of sun protection in health.


(Q) Is this talk based on science?

(A) Yes. You'll even get a link to the full references list (peer reviewed scientific journal articles and a link to the patent held by my husband on decolorization via Titanium Dioxide and UV light). 

(Q) Can I bring a friend?

(A) Absolutely!

(Q) Where is the workshop? 

(A) This is a virtual workshop on Zoom. You'll get the Zoom link once you save your spot 🙂

(Q) When is the workshop? 

(A) Friday, October 4th from noon to 1 pm on Zoom

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